Tuesday, July 24, 2012


my first 'proper meal' cooked (:

made with all the stuff nz is famous for (:

pan fried salmon with kumara rosti and seasonal vegetables :D yumyumyummmmm

ok i may have over done it with the heat, thats why my salmon and potato rosti disintegrated to have no shape.

but in any case, it tastes super awesome!!!!!!!!

i think the salmon here is really fresh, i just fried it with a little olive oil, minced garlic, and a dash of salt. and it's really flavourful on its own.

so proud of me -pats self on the back-

i think i might like cooking after all (:

also ate a steak pie today (: it was yummy. in terms of buying food, i am only willing to spend money on pies in nz. cos it's a nz favourite and its always super delicious.

also did 2 hours of gym today (:

so even though it rained and was so cold, today was a good day after all (:

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