Monday, July 23, 2012

dancing is not always fun, sometimes it's a chore, often i get stressed when i'm not getting it, or im getting info overload. my feet are always painful when im doing the right tech, muscles get tired.

it's also boring to prac alone with the cupboard as my partner lol. 

and its freezing cold in this studio. i can't feel my toes sometimes lol

but well, i guess this is what dancing is about. about conditioning my body to unnatural movements such that they look effortless in future.

sigh to want to be a dancer is different from liking the idea of being a dancer.

so we just gotta do what we have to do (:

slowly go through technique again and again... again and again.. week in and out

this few months i have here are realy invaluable to my dancing actually. with eldon, i wont really have time to work on indiv tech cos we're correcting routine steps. haha, also the teacher is amazing in breaking down technique here. i never realised how precise every step needs to be!  i feel like a blur toad every lesson. but i learn a lot from her!

and hopefully one day, it will look good. (:

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