Sunday, February 05, 2012

im so sleepy and trying to stay awake for a group discussion. so digging out photos to talk about.

love this. (: which reminds us of our commitment to purity. we want to be in love with God firsttttt then each other. <3

i call eldon 'multi talented day and night'

in the day time, during training, he's mario, my dance champion

at night, after training, he's maria my maid. he buys breakfast, does my shopping, dries my hair, pack my things, carry my bag.

so multi-talented day and night :D

this morning, i woke up at 8am for pancakes delivery service. how sweet, no? <3

me in my operating theatre gown!

just had my first op ever!!!

so exciting i tell you.

finally removed the pain in my butt, a cyst that has been giving me much grief over the past month.

it looked like a small prawn when removed btw, cos it was all bloody and stuff. i asked if i could take it home. but they wouldnt let me.

anw, the injections were super painful. but then it was quite cool that afterwards, they were cutting away at my butt and i didnt feel anything.

until the doctor poked this part that hurt and i yelped.

and he said 'oh there no anaesthetia yet hor'

i believe that i whimpered at that point in time.

anw im surprised the operating bed is so narrow. i think a big sized person would roll right off.

and i kept tapping my feet to music in the operating room, until the surgeon said i had to change position cos i keep moving, and they strapped me down ):

and there was a lot of blood!!!

they wrapped my head under blankeys, but i peeped after the operation. haha.

anw, i was well taken care of by mummy and eldon (:

i just lay on one side and got fed twister fries and koi.

everytime i talk too much and whine too much, eldon would feed me another fry to keep me quiet. lol.

and carin came to see me and she brought me cake (:


okay, abrupt ending. but group meeting over, im going to sleep! its 3 am ))):

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