Thursday, March 28, 2013


Crazy time of the sem has surely descended upon us, even a slack and lazy me can feel the pressure. haha, tests everyweek and huge deadlines looming :/

i prob should be writing my 30% essay, but i was talking to my dance partner and he said he broke his finger on his right hand. omg. thank goodness we're not competing this weekend else we're doomed.

anyway, i quite like our rumba routine so far. the first time we did a stunt together, i was really worried, cos he is long and lean and i wasnt sure if he can support my weight. the stunt involves only my neck lying on his arm, and he drops me all the way until a short distance off the floor. so thank goodness he's actually pretty strong.

I think it's quite interesting to dance together cos he's a very soft dancer. i think he might even be softer than me. he has to teach me how to soften my back. hahah, there is the danger of us looking flimsy when we dance together, and i have to consciously remind myself to put more energy into it cos i can't tap on his energy. But he's got very nice posture and a very comfortable lead, though he says i grip his hand too tight and hurt his fingers oops. haha

probably we'll only debut end of the year or even next year? haha we're both so busyyyy and only get to dance once a week max. i guess no point rushing to compete when we're not ready.

i am fortunate to have managed to find someone who's at a similar level of dance... i just kinda hope this partnership works out for the longer term....

.. and I've wasted a good 2 hours watching dance videos while typing this... oops!!!!

back to work :((((

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