Friday, October 28, 2011

i love viva. i do.

Jungle showdance (: which sadly still has no name. hahaha

i love viva <3

and all the people in the photo. and some who aren't in the photo too.

we've come such a very long way... through arguments, and change of casting like 3-4 times. this is the final cast, after cutting out another 2 couples, and changing here and there.

and the shopping and sewing of costumes, and rehearsals. all the laughter, the snappy words, the tears, the injuries. 1 missed competition. the lame but very scary scary arguments over shaving for the guys. hahah

sigh. it's all over.

it's been about 5-6 months since we've been training for this, so it also happens to coincides with a significant period for me.

and everything is over. haha, we're not who we were when we took our first step into this routine.

we've finished gracefully.
we've made our bow.
we've made our exit.

and life goes on.

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