Wednesday, February 25, 2009

i realised that 2.4 run is next week! finally, the last time that i have to run! JUST ONE MORE TIME! i must learn from Linh and do self encouragement. Go Sher!!!

yay! meeting nicole tmr! the first formal session with her! I'm really excited for her and what God is going to do in her life! (: and when i met with xinying on tues, I was so amazed at how much she's grown, it's so cool, even though she's not allowed to go to church and stuff, but she's more regular with her qt than most of my cell girls, and she writes so much notes abt what she's learnt in qt. (: it's just really really great and amazing, and it was so encouraging to me too, after spending a while feeling so sad abt my cell which is so unresponsive and uncommitted. haha, there are so many of my cell girls who're not coming or irregular and my co-cm and i have to keep contacting them. sigh. well, learn to love them like Jesus does!

i kinda miss being J1, but J2's alright too i suppose. haha, feels like a lot of things have changed?

i realise that we haven't had sort of like a peer cell group for a long while, i miss that kind of encouraging sharing. I miss Susanna and her always heartwarming sharings!!!

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