Sunday, March 11, 2007

1. i came home today to find my toilet super wet and messy. reason? A couple of the scouts doing their job week thing came over and attempted to mop the place. hahahah, and in pouring away the water, they messed up the toilet and my mum had to clean up after them. HAHA, my dad wasted his thirty bucks. haha, oh wellz, it happens every year. and then my dad will dig out all his scout badges and everything amd ask them A LOT of questions about scouts now and all that. hahaha

2. hooray, it's the hols!!! XD This should be self explanatory.

3. went down to church yest to do the r-age awareness thing but it was quite slack and so, josiah, joshua, joong yan and i went to the playground to play. we were like little kids man. playing hopscotch!!!! and scissors paper stone and some other dumb games. hahaha, so fun. XD

oh and over dinner, we played the game that mrs lee taught us in UK. the 'open close open close' one. hahaha, i was so proud of myself tt i understood 1 game man. cos i was clueless as to what was going on most of the time, haha

4. mel and i realised that we've been in close proximity for very long but just didn't know it. she stays so close to me, we danced in the same sch for so long and we just found out today that we performed in the same concert together too! haha, how cool.

5. countdown to gym trials. 2 days!!! oh man. tmr's the last training!! how can???

6. jess and i tried to teach the cell the clapping game that my class loves to play. HAHA, it was so messy and so slow and everyone was clapping out of beat.

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