Wednesday, April 27, 2011

it's nice to go out in the morning sun, where the warm sun makes you feel toasty and warm, instead of burning my ears!

i've got one more paper left tmr, gosh, i can't wait. exams are so yucky.

and i really can't wait to go home. i'm planning the fastest way to move everything out, so that hopefully, i can go home within a day or 2 of packing. haha.

it would be nice to be looked after during summer, and not have to take care of myself. haha

hmm, but going home also means that everytime i need to travel to dance trainings in school or at AnA, and to church, i'm gonna need half an hour more!!!

alternatively, my dad could send me (: (: (: and pick me up!!!!!

lovelove (:

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