Wednesday, July 28, 2010

well, i guess im finally at NUS, and its a reality. hahah, took me long enough to realise that ah.

module bidding tmr. haha, i really dont feel excited abt NUS at ALL.
and honestly, i dont feel very excited or very happy abt my scholarship either. i feel really terrible to feel like that too, because, its so... ungrateful...

but it feels more like a burden to me than a blessing. with all the requirements they impose on me, and im afraid that i'll find geog at uni boring, haha plus they want us to do certain modules that i was so planning to skip, like GIS systems, and fieldwork. haha, and everything i do, i have to ask for approval from them, before i apply for my student exchange, if i wanna do a minor in something else, if i wanna apply to a special term...

and i have to clock up a number of modules for english on top of geog, so i cant do electives i like.

and of course, the number one fear that i'll somehow get myself kicked out because i dont make the grades or something. and it'll be so embarassing, i'll never live it down. hahah.

and i dont like my new school very much anyway. sigh.

seeing a familiar person or hearing a familiar voice is like a breath of fresh air nowadays.

as my friend said 'too many new people is killing me.' hahah

Dear Lord,

I think that i have been a little tired, and a little sad. i think i could do with a little help in getting through the next 3 years. but that's a long time away. for now, i think, i could make do with a hug. and just so You still know, I love You. goodnight.


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