Wednesday, July 14, 2010

wah, just thinking about going back to school is very tiring already. haha, tried to familiarize myself with the mapping modules system and the bidding system today, and tried to find out what exactly I must take to graduate, the number of modules to take each sem and also must tie in with moe's requirements that i take 4 modules of english besides doing geog. hahah, i got more and more confused!!

haha, i think i finally figured that i must do abt 5 modules a semester, which is kinda like JC then, since we had 5 subjects. hahah, so not really just doing geog la, haha, still can do english, and prob some languages, or sociology or something. haha, thats pretty cool i guess but the only thing really exciting is NO MATH! forever and ever and ever!!! hahah

but really, i have nothing to look forward to the next half of the year, hahah,everything is such a disaster now, my best buddy is going far far away, things are not going well with him, im actually quite sad, awww, but as my mother told me this morning:

In every thing, give thanks to the Lord

not FOR every thing, but IN everything. haha

haha, ok, im very tired from thinking, and from reading pages and pages of small font on NUS stuff.

I shall just trust God to open and close doors as He wills, not as I want Him to.

though... its really really hard, im struggling so so much.
but anyway, I still love Jesus best!


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