Tuesday, February 06, 2007

trying to pick out an important article in a chinese newspaper will kill me. cant read so many words. sheesh.

oh no... i'm getting back those crazy nostalgic feelings bout ballet. and i was thinking about all those dancers who didn't quit. they'd be getting ready to take their grade 8 exams during the march hols. hai. if only i didn't quit, i'd probably be doing tt too.

i wonder who Say Hwee will partner this year. after all, we've been ballet partners for like 7 years?? after knowing her dance style and practising together before and after class to complement each other and dancing in synchrony, it's kinda weird to think tt someone else will be partnering her this yr. it's very weird to think of pairing up with anyone else to dance for that matter.

and i've missed my chance to be like wanchee. who took her grade 8 in sec 4. :(

ok, that aside, sch has been quite boring so far. i'm falling asleep even during bio!! horrible. haha cos i get so muddled up over all the meiosis stages. and i was really peeling my eyes open during geog. so boring...

oh yes! hooray! shiao will probably be coming for cell this sun! yay yay yay!!!

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